The scholarly communication process involves the creation, publishing, and sharing of academic research. It includes formal and informal channels. Formal channels are conference proceedings, peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, and books. Informal channels are social media, websites, conversations, blogs, email, and multimedia file formats.
Peer review is an important part of scholarly communication. It helps to ensure the overall quality and integrity of research. It is a form of quality control for the entire academic journal. It supports to filter out poor articles and maintains the integrity of research by scrutinizing manuscripts in detail. It can be a useful source of feedback for all authors.

Academic rigor through peer review
Do you like to use every option for ensuring academic rigor through peer review now? Peer review is an exact process designed to ensure academic rigor by ensuring the integrity and quality of research. It involves a complete examination of research by specialists in the field. It encourages researchers to follow standardized and rigorous methods. It helps a lot to prevent the spread of biased research. It is a good source of feedback for authors. It can be a collaborative process.
Peer reviewers nowadays are specialists in their fields. They are individuals carefully chosen and invited by journal editors as per strict criteria. This is to ensure the relevant knowledge and experience to review the overall manuscript in question as efficiently as possible. Peer-reviewed papers are trustworthy. This is because invited specialists in the field examine and approve them.

How to maintain scholarly integrity using peer review
Many people today make certain about the role of peer review in maintaining scholarly integrity and using reliable resources as planned. The peer review ensures that research is accurate, valid, and of high quality. It acts as a good quality control process for the complete academic journals. It motivates authors to submit the best work and gives authors valuable feedback.
You may think about how to find out whether the research findings are robust or not. You can use the peer review hereafter to do it. You can use the peer review and make certain that research findings are independently verified and reproduced.
It is the appropriate time to find the impact of peer review on research credibility and make an informed decision. The peer review is a rigorous process designed to ensure the credibility of research. It has so many positive impacts on the research’s credibility. However, some of them are maintaining integrity, encouraging high-quality research, ensuring accuracy, improving presentation, and establishing a reputation.